St. James Caring/Senior Center

St. James Caring/Senior Center


Organizations/Service Providers/Non-Profits

About Us

Caring for Our Community


Commodity Day Serving Over 200 Families
What a great day!  The beginning of construction to replace the gravel parking lot in front of the Senior Center with a new concrete parking area.
Grand Re-Opening of the St. James Caring Center Thrift Store after a total remodel.
Bluegrass band plays during our Last Friday of the Month Birthday Luncheon.   Stop in an tap your toes to the soothing sound of Bluegrass.
Donate your furniture... table, chair, sofa, lamps, beds... we accept everything except mattresses, box springs, TVs or computers.
Have vehicle you are no longer using.  Camper, trailer, truck, car?   Consider donating to the St. James Caring Center.
Volunteer Appreciation Day!   Ice Cream Social.
St. James Police Chief Jones and Caring Center Volunteer Renea checking in cars and assisting with parking on Commodity Day
Long time volunteers Clyde and Jo with Director Nancy Montgomery enjoying ice cream on Volunteer Appreciation Day!
Beautiful dining hall and delicious food served at the St. James Senior Center.
It is a great time to consider volunteering at the St. James Caring Center or Senior Center.   We have fun, work hard all for the betterment of the community.   Call Marilyn to sign up   573-265-2047
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Administrative Assistant
Category: Accounting
Accepting Applications for St. James Caring Center Administrative Assistant. Full time position. Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.   Searching for an applicant with office experience and a heart for helping those in our community. Apply in person at the St. James Caring Center located at 113 W. Eldon Street.  Request to speak with Executive Director Nancy Montgomery.  573-265-2047 ext. 4 or more
Phone:(573) 265-7072
Warehouse Attendant/Receiver Clerk
Category: General
St. James Caring Center is searching for the right person to fill a part-time position as warehouse attendant/receiver clerk.  Must be available to work 2 Saturdays a month Forklift experience is a plus. Must have clean driving record.If interested, stop by at 113 W. Eldon in St. James to complete an application.  Call for details:  573-265-2047 ext. 4.
Phone:(573) 265-7072

Rep/Contact Info

Marilyn Disser
Administrative Coordinator
  • Phone: (573) 265-7072